"The Reluctant Entrepreneur" Turning Dreams into Profits, by Michael Masterson...
The one thing we "Didn't" like about the book is his reference to "Him or His" all the time...
Speaking in third person about Him or His and never Her abilities was subject to criticism by us...
For a long time now we didn't like the use of, Him or Her, or Him/Her to really only include, "her" in the sentence just to be polite, while of course leaving him first...
Nor did we believe Her/Him would be the correct formation of this arrangement of genders either...
Then the "They" movement hit and that opened up our eyes to remove the Him and Her, Him/Her from the sentence altogether...
They or them is all that is needed to describe an individual, even if you use the person's first name, and by all accounts you think you know the gender, should still be referred to as, they or them or by the name they choose to be referred by...
For a Heterosexual individual to say, they know what sex they are and what gender they like is the same for anyone, regardless of what is perceived...
Sorry, we got off subject a bit, but we had to get that off our mind...
Otherwise, this book is a decent read, simplistic, short only 158 pages, if you include the Appendix, which we did, and should be read...
Over the years we have talked about making your idea a reality and how hard it is to do...
People and ourselves always felt it necessary to share the idea with someone, but sadly, the response is never what people and ourselves expect to hear...
We think it's the greatest idea since sliced bread, but to them, it's stupid, it'll never work, don't even try, just get a real job and work like a dog for 40-50-60 hours a week for pennies on the dollar like we and many before us have done...
We're not saying the hours will be any shorter, in fact you'll probably work more hours than you do now, but the reward is bigger and that's what keeps you coming back for more...
You have to remember, that people with visionary abilities see things that others can't and that is why they respond the way they do, and if you plug into that criticism you'll watch your idea develop and flourish right before your eyes, by someone else doing it first...
There is always something that you take with you after reading, watching, listening to something that sparks your interest...
Ours was when they said, "I never felt like a natural-born winner"... that made us feel sad...
Many of you doubt yourself, but is it really the doubt you feel about yourself, or the doubt that's been put upon you by others, or others failed attempts...
There is no easy road to success, even if you won the lottery and were an instant millionaire doesn't mean it was easy getting there, because the road to that winning ticket may have been the hardest road they traveled...
A quote we liked that was in the book was, "I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be" Ken Venturi
...ain't it the truth...