Tuesday, December 31, 2019

5hVnz Song of the Month...

Panic! at the Disco is an American pop rock band from Las Vegas, Nevada, formed in 2004 by childhood friends Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross, Spencer Smith and Brent Wilson...

Shortly after, the band recorded and released their debut studio album, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. Popularized by the second single, "I Write Sins Not Tragedies", the album was certified triple platinum in the US...

In 2006, founding bassist Brent Wilson was fired from the band during an extensive world tour and subsequently replaced by Jon Walker...

Panic! At The Disco - High Hopes...

Monday, December 23, 2019

5hVnz Best Earbuds Pick...

What an adventure it was picking out which earbuds are the best out there...

This was not an easy venture, but after a year of research what we found out is the problems with most of the ear buds were the same across the board...

Being Comfortable, Mic Problems, Ambient Sound Problems, Noise Cancellation Problems, pairing and Game Lag...

The most talked about Earbuds is the Sony - WF-1000XM3 and you should stop talking about them, they are uncomfortable, noise cancellation problems, mic problems, and Game Lag...

The nice feature about the Sony's is the app which is fully featured, not only that, the app allows updates to be done to your earbuds wirelessly...

The Sony's music sound quality is fantastic, so they were sent back to Sony to fix the Mic, but the replacement buds still had problems so these were returned...

Without taking everyone down the rabbit hole with all the earbuds that are out there and the problems, we've trimmed it down to three to choose from...

Most Important feature to look for in earbuds is Bluetooth 5.0, a must need...

The following choices are both iOS and Android compatible...

1st: Libratone TRACK Air + you'll love these, but they are a little on the pricey side...

2nd: MIFO 05 True Wireless you'll love these as well, and priced more affordably, but they do have an 07 model that's more expensive...

3rd: SOUNDPEATS Truengine SE you'll love these as well, and priced the most affordable, in fact you get a lot for what you pay for with these little beauties...

All three of these passed all the tests, the only problem with these three earbuds is the same problem all the earbuds are having and that is the Mic...

sidenote: These Mics sound the best out of what we've tested, but still in need of improvement...

Not sure what the big deal is with sounding as good as you hear your music, but they are having big problems with the Mic...

These three will also pair individually and are very easy to pair...

We wanted to get this list out a little earlier than we did, but we were waiting on the Libratone's...

Spend your money wisely and make sure you read the posts on the earbuds you're about to buy because it will help you in your decision...

Happy Holidays...

Earbuds Update:

There's a brand that is coming out that will be in direct competition with the Sony's model, they're called 1More model # EHD9001TA...

They aren't available yet, but you can pre-order them...

Two things that will make these stand out more than the other brands...

1. Sound Designed by 4 time Grammy Award Winner Luca Bignardi...

2. 2 Levels of Active Noise Cancellation...

They are on the pricey side, but with features like this you'll be paying more...

Pre-Order here...

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The 5G Movement...

If you're thinking about buying a phone anytime soon, you might want to hold off unless you are thinking about buying the LG V50 or the Galaxy S10...

iPhone does not have a 5G capable phone yet, partly because they are in a Feud with Qualcomm and Huawei is Feuding with the US Govt...

Another thing to think about is, not all areas cover 5G, so make sure you're city is 5G capable before purchasing your phone...

As with New Technology there are always bugs so think hard before just running out and thinking you're ahead of the Joneses in Technology by buying the 5G phone...

"Most people are going to be disappointed with 5G speeds, which have been hyped as a gigabit and more. Most 5G connections will be at 100-400Mbps, especially indoors. The average 5G connection in Korea is at less than 200Mbps. For now, many are undecided and often holding on to older phones. The iPhone 5G is 2020 and the 2019 sales may be disappointing."

Intel is opting out of getting into the 5G mobile market, stating that the ROI would be a loss for them..

Intel is like the Atlanta Falcons, all sorts of talent, but don't know how to use it effectively, very disappointing...

For users seeing 5Ge on their phone don't get excited, it's nothing to do with 5G, it's just 4G LTE, in fact, other carriers like Verizon and T-Mobile already have it too, have for years and simply call it LTE Advanced...

Found a good Article that we think you should read up on to give you an insight of the Future of 5G...

Korea now has all major carriers promoting 5G, and all major brands have a flagship 5G device...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

5hVnz Song of the Month...

Keeping in the spirit of Bands that recorded "Good" songs for their entire album, we have another band we'd like to showcase...

INXS won six Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) awards, including three for "Best Group" in 1987, 1989 and 1992;the band was inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame in 2001. INXS has sold an estimated 60 million records worldwide...

Shabooh Shoobah was one of those Albums that you could listen to without rewinding to the first song over and over again of skipping to the 2nd best song on the Album...

The Song Don't Change is a Song meant to be listened to while you're driving 100+, Skiing down China Bowl, Ripping a Curl or pretty much anything that has the word acceleration in it...

Enjoy, but don't just stop there, because they're all good...

INXS - Don't Change - Aspen 1997...
Sadly this was one of Michael Hutchence's last appearance before his death from suicide in November 1997...

YouTube has found a way to keep him singing, now you can too...and that's a fact!

Monday, November 11, 2019

5hVnz Artist of the Month...

We first heard of this Artist in the news stating that their concert in Nacogdoches County, Texas had been canceled because there was a threat of violence...

Not sure why they canceled the show due to violence considering it's not Country if there isn't a good ol' fashioned Bar Fight...

Their songs are GREAT, it's a surprise to us that we've never heard of this band, and even people we talked to hadn't ever heard of this band...

It Must be in the Whiskey is one of their more popular songs, but they have a lot of good songs...

It's been a long time since you could buy a CD with more than one good song on it, but Cody Jinks has mastered that feat...

Check em' out...

Cody Jinks Been Around...

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Problem with Sesame Street...

It's not only Sesame Street, it's also the Muppets and shows like there as...

These shows were part of an Era of creation, something new and unseen before, and as such captivated audiences from all ages...

It was funny, original and as with all audiences of any era it inspired interest, but if things don't change the interest fades...

The biggest evolution with the Muppets was when they showed their legs on the Muppet Movie because all that was shown of them before was above torso...

In a land of Make-Believe it was easy to accept these types of shows so what has changed...Internet...

Not too go down a rabbit hole we'll leave it at, opening the land of make-believe to a world of reality...

The adventitious recognized this and capitalized on it and shows like "Southpark" originated with cussing little cartoon children, but even they have grown past their prime...

Superheroes never died, Muppets and Sesame Street Characters never grew older...

Oh the people that were in the shows grew older which is also a reason these shows didn't stay popular...

It's a very delicate balance that needs to be maintained when mixing real people with make-believe characters...

In order to pull this off you need to integrate the "Doppelganger" policy...

The "Real" characters don't get remembered as much as do the Muppet like characters themselves do...

You need to keep the "Real" characters fresh and you change them out with characters that look like them so the transition to the new character won't shock the viewers...

This is also a stepping stone role for new talent because it hurts their career later in life because all people see them as is the Sesame Street person...

You can have older "Real" characters and all ages of "Real" characters, just keep them rotating out to keep them looking fresh which is key when combining real with fake...

Venturing off the path here, a good example is when they brought Sean Connery into Robin Hood...

Sean Connery was an Icon, a young vibrant icon, but age has set in and the roles weren't available for aging actors, but when they brought him into the Sherwood Forest as King Richard changed the game for him and others like him...

Back on the path...The "Problem Is" the Puppets never age, they never grow older, they never die they never reproduce, they just live forever...

This is the problem, you're trying to re-create the wheel when you have a working model already in place...

You're looking for new material and the solution is right there...

Age Bert and Ernie, make them grandparents, parents for that matter and bring a younger version of them into the mix...

Give Bert and Ernie there own house now, like in Grumpier old Men, they finally get on with their lives...

This will help with the transition on whether or not Bert and Ernie were a couple or they were just roommates, either way it keeps the mystery going without answering the question...

All the characters of the Muppets need to be aged, Miss Piggy and Kermit need to get together once and for all...

Believe it or not people are attracted to all sorts of people, not just their own kind, type, style, opposites attract, helloooo...

Parents and Guardians have trouble speaking to their young so they use programs like this to help them with this...

Make the shows more believable, but keep the puppetry about it because that's what kids like, but teach them that life is more than make-believe...

Grumpy grandparents, helicopter parents and mischievous children are the construct of lesson plans that children and others can experience together...

If you can't get material out of that then keep using that same old material that's been used over and over again and see how it works for you, up to now it hasn't...

You're trying so hard to keep the audience you already had without any consideration of the audiences you don't have...

People grow up, they move on, move past and as such lose "interest", so keep the interest by keeping your shows interesting while not letting go of what started it all...

Times have changed and people have grown older, but it doesn't mean they've forgotten or have been forgotten, it just means, it's gotten funnier...and that's a fact!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

5hVnz Quote of the Day...

"Every Passing Minute is Another Chance to Turn Things Around"

Sunday, October 20, 2019

5hVnz Song of the Month...

Blues Traveler - Maybe I'm Wrong...

Blues Traveler is an American rock band that formed in Princeton, New Jersey in 1987. The band's music spans a variety of genres, including blues rock, psychedelic rock, folk rock, soul, and Southern rock. They are known for extensive use of segues in live performances, and were considered a key part of the re-emerging jam band scene of the 1990s, spearheading the H.O.R.D.E. touring music festival.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

5hVnz Artist of the Month...


Zachary William "Bill" Dess, (born June 21, 1993), known by his stage name Two Feet, is an American singer, songwriter, and producer from New York City.

Dess played locally in jazz and blues ensembles before forming Two Feet. After his single "Go Fuck Yourself" became a viral video online, he signed with Republic Records. The single reached number 36 on the US Hot Rock Songs chart. His next single, "I Feel Like I'm Drowning", reached number one on the US Alternative Songs chart in 2018. On October 5, 2018 Two Feet released his first album A 20 Something Fuck featuring singles "I Feel Like I'm Drowning" and "Hurt People".

Two Feet - I Feel Like I'm Drowning...

5hVnz Quote of the Day...

"For those who won't move an inch will leave others going the extra mile"

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Kill Em With Kindness...

This is a term that some point in your life will be presented to you, typically by a Woman when dealing with an unruly or bully type person...

What this statement is saying, is be kind to someone that doesn't have compassion, regard, respect for anyone or anything but themselves...

sidenote: they typically don't have any respect for themselves either...

To buddy up with someone that only causes trouble for everyone around them, to befriend them and try to offer help or support in their endeavors will only end ugly for you...

In other words, becoming friends with a person that's a complete F-Tard, only to prevent them from treating you abhorrently is what this so called solution is saying...

In fact in order to accomplish the "Kill Em With Kindness" campaign, you have to become like them, and support their habits in hopes of acceptance into their dark world...

Before you know it, you'll become the enemy while trying to be their friend...

You'll lose your innocence, and will get enveloped into their wicked ways, before you know it and by then, it'll be too late...

Kill Em With Kindness is by far the DUMBEST PIECE OF ADVICE you can give a person...

Letting them think that this type of behavior will attract kindness will only keep them acting like the F-Tard they are...

The only advice we're going to give you, is that, you don't ignore them, but you never engage them, time is their enemy, not yours...and that's a fact!

Part Numbers and Quantities...

What is it about Manufactures refusing to put their damn Part # on the box...

Also, is it so hard to put the quantity on it as well...

Also, the placement of where these people put the part # is ridiculous...

There is no rule of thumb with these people, they either mask it into the SKU, hide it somewhere really really small somewhere on the back of the box...

You think so much of the consumer that you forget about the people that handle your product on a day to day...

It's frustrating to try to find a part # on the label when you are trying to do inventory and sometimes there isn't a part #...

That's true, some companies create a cryptic code that requires an excel spreadsheet to be sent to the distributor to cross reference some arbitrary code on the product to determine which-which is what...

Not only that, when they do put a part # on the item, it's never where it's supposed to be...

Spray Paint for example has the part # on the back of the label which means you have to turn around every single paint can in order to determine if you have the right part number...

This part # should be on the front of the label that faces the customer so not only can the customer see it, so can the proprietor...

Boxes should have the part # on the Front of the box as well as the side, this way depending on how you stack your boxes to "Save" space you'll always be able to see the part #...

As for the quantities MFG's also use a cryptic code to determine how many items that are in the box...

They'll include it with the Part # :-D 2-1111 for example or 6-1111, what's the point of that...

Just put the @*$%# quantity on the box and call it ^#$&@ day already...

It can't cost you anymore to just put the part # on the box in an appropriate place where "EVERYONE" can see it...

Truly unbelievable...but it happens...and that's a fact!

Commercials of Today...

We'll try to keep this short because commercials are not...

Commercials, as we foresaw, would be invading our personal lives like a paparazzi on a Celebrity...

Commercials used to be about the jingle, the jingle that gets stuck in your head called an ear worm that keeps you singing it over and over...

Not only that, it typically had the name in it to remind you of what you are singing about...

You don't hear much music in commercials today because music isn't inspirational, lacks depth, lacks creativity while copying from originality...

So they feel the comedic approach is the best way to reach people, and it does...

We just love that one commercial where that one guy is always creating mayhem for people, stealing cars, and crashing into things you know...that one guy in that one commercial...

That's just it, the only thing you remember is the comedy of it, nothing to adhere you to the point of his mayhem other than a brief tagline at the end...

Progressive insurance should be the template that people use to help promote their product...

Progressive has their name all over the commercial, sentences that the actors use have the Progressive name in it, and it's funny...

It's sad to see where that one guy from Verizon came from to pitch for Sprint, where they use desperation to promote their product...

No, do you hear me now catchy tagline, more of a pleading, begging for you to buy into their sub-par product...

To be honest, you'd be better just to get down on one knee and BEG people to buy your product, however they won't, because that scares people even more...

We understand that commercials pay for your programming, but artists also don't want to associate themselves with most of the products that air on television due to one reason or another...

Most products on TV that are advertised do more for tooth decay, cancer, side effects then they do good, so who wants to be associated to that...

Not only that, but back to the beginning of this email, commercials have taken over the airwaves...

There are more commercials online then there is the actual program itself...

It's becoming ridiculous, and desperate...and that's a fact!

5hVnz Stock Watch...

CDW Corp:
121.12 2.12 (1.72%)

Sunday, September 15, 2019

5hVnz Song of the Month...

Pink Floyd - Marooned (Official Music Video)...

"Marooned" is an instrumental track on Pink Floyd's 1994 album, The Division Bell. It is the only Pink Floyd track to ever win a Grammy Award

The piece was written by Richard Wright and David Gilmour. It has sounds that describe the setting as an island, such as the sounds of seagulls and waves crashing on the shore. It was composed while jamming aboard the Astoria in early 1993. Gilmour processed the guitar sound with a DigiTech Whammy pedal to pitch-shift notes entire octaves. Also in the background can be heard wailing guitar effects by Gilmour, reminiscent of the song "Echoes". Wright's grand piano parts (originally played and recorded on a Kurzweil) were recorded at Olympic Studios in London.

David Gilmour has mentioned that "pretty much" all of "Marooned" is improvised and that he "probably took three or four passes at it and took the best bits out of each".

Sunday, September 8, 2019

5hVnz Book of the Month...

"Tool and Weapons", by Brad Smith...The Promise and the Peril of the Digital Age written by the President of Microsoft Brad Smith and Microsoft's Director of Communications Carol Ann Browne.

Brad Smith operated by a simple core belier: When your technology changes the world, you bear a responsibility to help address the world you have helped create.

Learn more about it at Microsoft News: Microsoft News

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

5hVnz Song of the Month...

Johnny Paycheck - "Take This Job And Shove It"...

Remember our Golden Rule...Backup, Backup then...Backup Again...

Before you tell your Boss to take their job and shove it, make sure you have another job to go to ;-)

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy 4th of July...

 Happy 243rd Birthday to the United States of America!
This day means something different to everyone although it doesn't have to be if you just pay attention to the facts...

Simply put, "The colonies were upset because they had no real representation in the House of Commons. The British government imposed taxes on tea, stamps etc. In addition, they imposed various taxes on trade. The northern colonies were manufacturers and seamen. The southern colonies had trade and it was with England. In addition, the British government tried to offset their cost from the French and Indian War on the backs of the colonies. But the main point was taxation without representation. No one wants to pay taxes without having a say."

Now that you know the facts why don't you get out there and have some fun, while you still can...

We'd also like to give a shout out to the Thirteen Colonies that stood up for us in our time of need and the sacrifices they endured...

This design of the flag got official status in the Flag Resolution of 1777. This resolution was passed by the Marine Committee of the Second Continental Congress on June 14, 1777. The resolution stated: "Resolved, That the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation." Hence, the flag design comprised thirteen alternating red and white stripes with a circle of thirteen stars representing the thirteen colonies on a bed of hemp, the material the first American flag was made out of. The circle of stars was borne on a blue canton.

Be it Betsy Ross or Francis Hopkinson, the legends and myths surrounding who designed the first American flag adds to the intrigue of the American history. This aspect of the first American flag history may be difficult to solve. Nevertheless, history and symbolism of the American flag highlights the fact that it represents the untiring spirit of a nation to stand for its rights and beliefs.

...it represents the untiring spirit of a nation to stand for its rights and beliefs...

There are a handful of people that have come out against our American Flag and that is their God given right and the right of the 1st amendment that gives them that right...

However, the narrative they are creating is a history they choose to remember and not the history of what that flag represents...

A history of our nation may be good bad or indifferent as with the history of every nation in this World, but the fact remains, it's history and should never be forgotten or removed...

This is our American Flag and the same flag that gives you the right to speak your mind regardless of the content so be thankful for that...

It has evolved since then, but it still represents the tumultuous time that our nation and its people struggled against and will never be forgotten or removed from our History...and that's a fact!

Monday, July 1, 2019

5hVnz Month of George Michael...

"Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me" is a song written by English singer Elton John and his lyricist Bernie Taupin. It was originally recorded in 1974 by Elton John for his studio album Caribou and was released as a single that peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and reached number 16 on the UK Singles Chart. The song found further success in 1991 in a live cover version recorded as a duet between John and George Michael, which reached number one in the UK and US.

The roots of the collaboration trace back to March 13, 1985, when John presented Michael with the songwriter of the year honor at the Ivor Novello Awards in London. They became fast friends and soon began contributing to each other's albums. In July of that year, they first performed "Sun" together at Live Aid.

Michael was born to a non-musical family in Bushley, Hertfordshire, England on June 25th, 1963. He wisely chose to change his name from Georgios Panayiotou to George Michael after his band Wham! started to gain popularity.

As you've noticed we have taken a personal interest in this particular individual and even bypassing our monthly song of the month...

A 1/3 of the way through the month we thought about putting up a song of the month, but it wouldn't be fair to George...

It wasn't until recently when we heard the song "Careless Whisper" on the radio is when our interest grew about George Michael...

It wasn't even the whole song that got our interest, it's towards the ending of the song where he lifts his voice on these lyrics:

Tonight the music seems so loud
I wish that we could lose this crowd
Maybe it's better this way
We'd hurt each other with the things we'd want to say
We could have been so good together
We could have lived this dance forever
But no one's gonna dance with me
Please stay

WOW, it's been so long since we've heard a voice like that and now it's gone...

It's also been a long time since we've heard lyrics that were this well thought out and written with such substance...

Then we heard "White Light" and realized that we had forgotten about George Michael, and that made us sad...

George Michael said that the only way to get noticed in America was to constantly promote yourself on TV and coincidentally enough was one of the reasons he left America...

Americans had forgotten about him, we had forgotten about him and for some reason feel that what we've done here this month was a way to catch up with the time we lost with him...

It wasn't until we noticed the Venue he filled with his shows in London that this statement resonated with us...he was loved, beloved, honored, respected and definitely remembered...

George Michael loved England and England Loved George Michael...

This also makes us sad, because on December 25th 2016 George Michael died of natural causes alone in his home...

To us this is the most tragic end to someone that was adored by so many to just die alone without any one there to hold his hand, or to know what he might have said before he died, or just knowing that someone out of all the millions was there to comfort him...

Fadi Fawaz you weren't there for him in his time of need and coincidentally enough George is not here for you in your time of need because he didn't leave you anything and what you're doing now is self-loathing in the guilt you have and in the process destroying a Man's legacy while causing further pain to his True Family...

You may feel loss, you may feel pain and the family recognizes this and is why they've agreed to pay you millions of dollars for you to just leave, so take the money and leave...

Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou aka George Michael, isn't yours Fadi Fawaz he's all of ours and it's time you allow him, us and his family to rest in peace by freeing him, let him go, but your memories as well as all of our memories of him are ours and that can't be taken from you...and that's a fact!

Elton John / George Michael - Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me (Live Aid 1985)...PURE...

                                                                YOU'RE FREE...

Saturday, June 29, 2019

5hVnz Month of George Michael...

"Too Funky" is a song written and performed by English singer George Michael and released by Columbia Records in the United States and Epic Records elsewhere in 1992. It reached number one in Denmark and became a top-ten hit in several regions, including Europe, Australia and North America.

"Too Funky" was Michael's final single for his recording contract with Sony Music before he started legal action to extricate himself from his contract. "Too Funky" had been initially earmarked for a follow-up to the album Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1 but Michael shelved the idea, instead donating it, along with two other songs, to the project Red Hot + Dance, which raised money for AIDS awareness. Michael subsequently donated the royalties to the same cause. The song didn't appear on any of Michael's studio albums, although later it was included on his solo collection Ladies & Gentlemen: The Best of George Michael and in the 2017 reissue of Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1, which also featured the two other songs from Red Hot + Dance and its B-side "Crazyman Dance", all of which were recorded for the aborted follow-up of the 1990 album.

"Too Funky" reached number 4 on the UK Singles Chart in 1992 and became that year's most played record in Europe. As of October 2017, the single sold 168,000 copies in UK. In the US, the single debuted at number 84 on Billboard Hot 100, reaching its peak position of number 10 by its fourth week. It sold more than 500,000 copies, being certified Gold by the RIAA.

In Australia, "Too Funky" became the biggest gainer song ever in the top 50 of the Australian ARIA Singles Chart when it jumped from number 50 to number 8 (42 places), before reaching its peak position at number 3. "Too Funky" held this record until 2009, when "3" by Britney Spears rose from number 50 to number 7 (43 places). In Canada, "Too Funky" peaked at number 6 on the RPM singles chart.

George Michael - Too Funky...

5hVnz Month of George Michael...

"One More Try" is a song recorded by the British singer George Michael from his debut solo studio album, Faith (1987). It was released on 11 April 1988 as the album's fourth single by Columbia Records. The song hit number one on both the Billboard Hot 100 and the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart.

The song was the fourth of seven singles to be released from Michael's debut solo album Faith. A ballad at almost six minutes in length, the song lyrically explores a young man's hesitancy to enter/revisit a new relationship because he had been emotionally hurt so many times previously. The song concludes with temptation taking over, and Michael ends by singing the title for the only time.

"One More Try" remained a live favourite at Michael's concerts in the years which followed, although its radio airplay tends to be restricted to specific "Love Songs"–esque features because of both the tempo and the length.

Filmmaker Tony Scott ("Top Gun") directed the simple music video for the song, which features George singing alone in an empty apartment. The first shot of the video alone lasts a little over two minutes, ending at the beginning of the second verse. Throughout, a grey-blue light can be seen shining into his window, a metaphor for loneliness. In another scene, he attempts to draw a heart on his bathroom cabinet's glass door, but cannot finish the heart, as at this point, sadness and grief have taken over. His furniture can also be seen with drapes over each piece, as well as the curtains drawn, another lonely metaphor.

In regards to her version of "One More Try", Knight said "Everyone knew who George Michael was, but this song is when he became the real thing in my mind. He channeled a gospel sound, black America, ate it up, Britain followed and then the whole world. I took that sound, and going back to my own church roots, I ran with it."[ George Michael endorsed Knight's version of "One More Try" stating, "I'm always flattered by cover versions of my songs – especially when they are sung as beautifully as this. Thank You Beverley".

George Michael - One More Try (Official Video)...

(Beverley Knight / One More Try...)

5hVnz Month of George Michael...

"Father Figure" is a song by English singer George Michael from his debut studio album, Faith (1987). It was released on 28 December 1987 as the album's fourth single by Columbia Records. The song reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 and number 11 on the UK Singles Chart. Additionally it was a top 5 hit in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Iceland, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain.

The music video depicts a relationship between a cab driver (Michael) and a high-fashion model (Tania Coleridge). Various intercut flashbacks tell a backstory. Michael and Andy Morahan won "Best Direction of a Video" at the 1988 MTV Video Music Awards for the video.

George Michael wrote and produced this track by himself, and it was recorded for his debut solo album Faith, released in 1987.

George Michael didn't ever specifically reveal what 'Father Figure' was about, but a lot can be gleaned from its lyrics.

Speculation: Whoever he was singing to, he wants to play the father or "teacher" role and act out the figure that Princess Diana and other women, men and young fans wanted him to be. He wanted to be their protector.

George Michael - Father Figure...

5hVnz Month of George Michael...

George Michael was born Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou in Finchley, north London, in the United Kingdom, to Lesley Angold (Harrison), a dancer, and Kyriacos Panayiotou, a restaurateur. His father was a Greek Cypriot, and his mother was of English background. He first discovered fame as a musician when he and school friend, Andrew Ridgeley, formed the pop group Wham!. Success came fast and furious with their first album, 'Fantastic' (1983) hitting the UK number one spot. Wham! survived for five years and during that time the group notched up four number one singles and two number one albums. Most of their other releases made top three. George also contributed to the Band Aid Single 'Do They Know It's Christmas' (1984), and scored two further solo number one hits with 'Careless Whisper' and 'A Different Corner'.

"Feeling Good" (also known as "Feelin' Good") is a song written by English composers Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse for the musical The Roar of the Greasepaint – The Smell of the Crowd. It was first performed on stage in 1964 by Cy Grant on the UK tour and by Gilbert Price in 1965 with the original Broadway cast.[1]
Nina Simone recorded "Feeling Good" for her 1965 album I Put a Spell on You. The song has also been covered by Traffic, Michael Bublé, John Coltrane, George Michael, Victory, Eels, Joe Bonamassa, EDEN, Muse, and Black Cat Bones, among others.

George Michael performed "Feeling Good" during his 2011–12 Symphonica Tour and included it on the Symphonica album (2014). The music video was released on 6 May 2014 and "Feeling Good" was sent to radio on 11 August 2014. The release of "Feeling Good" coincided with the issue of Symphonica on the vinyl format. It became his final single before his death in 2016.
The studio version of "Feeling Good" was recorded by Michael in 2008 and included on the US edition of his Twenty Five compilation. He also performed it during the 2008 legs of his 25 Live tour and the 2010 George Michael Live in Australia concerts.

George Michael - Feeling Good...

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

5hVnz Month of George Michael...

"Everything She Wants" is a song by British pop duo Wham!, originally released as a single in 1984 on Epic Records on a double A-side with "Last Christmas". It was written and produced by George Michael, one half of the duo, becoming their third consecutive million-selling number-one hit in the United States.

A five-minute song (there also exists a six-and-a-half-minute-long version with an added bridge), "Everything She Wants" is written from the angle of a man being disillusioned by the material demands of his female partner, despite the amount of work he does to keep her happy. In a twist, the second verse takes the story a step further by revealing that the woman is pregnant but the man cannot find any happiness in the announcement because "if my best isn't good enough, then how can it be good enough for two?"

Wham! - Everything She Wants (Official Music Video)...

"Some people work for a living
Some people work for fun
Girl, I just work for you"

...ain't that the truth...

Saturday, June 22, 2019

5hVnz Month of George Michael...

"Tonight" by George Michael is a cover of Elton John's "Tonight".

George Michael-Tonight...

Monday, June 17, 2019

5hVnz Month of George Michael...

"Spinning the Wheel" is a song by George Michael. The song was co-written by Michael and Jon Douglas. It was performed by George Michael and released on Virgin Records in 1996.. The song was the third single taken from Older and it peaked at number 2 in the UK...

George Michael - Spinning The Wheel (Official Video)...

Thursday, June 13, 2019

5hVnz Month of George Michael...

 "Going to a Town" is a song written and performed by Canadian-American singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright. It was the first single from the album Release the Stars, released on April 3, 2007, in the United States and on May 7 in the United Kingdom.

In the UK, "Going to a Town" entered the UK Singles Chart on May 5, 2007, at number 68. The following week (May 26), the track reached its highest position at number 54.[1][2] "Going to a Town" lasted on the chart for two weeks total, and failed to chart in any other countries.

George Michael performed "Going to a Town" during his 2011–12 Symphonica Tour and included it on the deluxe edition of his Symphonica album in 2014. "Going to a Town" was sent to radio on April 7, 2014 and the music video for the song was released on April 15, 2014.

George Michael - Going To A Town (Live)...

Making my own way home
Ain't gonna be alone
I got a life to lead America
I got a life to lead

...you're home George, you're home...

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Here's an Idea...

Recently we were having a problem charging our iPhone and thought it was because Apple wanted us to purchase a Wireless charger...

We've just experienced and read and heard stories of iPhone users phones doing strange things when it's time for an upgrade of some sort...

Gibbs Rule # 39 There is no such thing as a coincidence...we digress...

So this time it was something real, or so they said, because they did fix it, but we didn't see what they saw...

We even cleaned it ourselves thinking that something was dirty inside the charge port, but it didn't fix anything...

Oh it would charge from time to time and what was weird is that sometimes you had to jam the charger into the port and sometimes you didn't...

Well it started to become a nuisance so we went in to Apple to just give in and buy the Wireless Charger...

When we got there the Apple Attendant asked how they could help us and of course we went into the reason we were there in the first place and told him that it was Apple just wanting us to upgrade...

He took a different approach...

He took the phone from and said, give me just a second and proceeded to the back room where we're not allowed...

About 5 minutes passed and they reappeared with a positive look on their face and said, it's all fixed...

Apparently there was "lint" inside the charge port, a lot of lint in the charge port they said and that was the reason it wasn't charging...

We looked into the port and didn't see anything, but apparently there was, so we believed them because it was and is still working...

So we thought...what if you put a little doohickey inside the charge port to protect it from the lint in your pocket, or any other debris for that matter, but that wouldn't work because you would lose the little doohickey, but what if...

What if the little doohickey was a part of the case that you put your phone in...

If the little doohickey was a part of the design of your phone case then it couldn't get lost because it's attached...

It would just plug into your port and when you are ready to charge it, unplug it, or if you're already using wireless, you won't ever need to unplug it...

This also adds another bit of security for the protection of the phone...

Even though the port is closed off to any part of the internal parts of the phone, it still isn't supposed to get wet...

The Best Ideas are the simplest ideas...and that's a fact!

Saturday, June 8, 2019

5hVnz Month of George Michael...

Let's take a step back...

"Where Did Your Heart Go?" was covered by the British pop duo Wham! on 14 October 1986 as one of the three B-sides to "The Edge of Heaven" in the UK, where it reached number 1.[1] The song was also released separately as Wham!'s final single in several territories most notably in the US where it peaked at number 50 on the Billboard Hot 100 in November 1986. It was produced and re-arranged by George Michael with engineering by Chris Porter. "Where Did Your Heart Go?" was also included on The Final and Music from the Edge of Heaven albums.

Wham! - Where Did Your Heart Go?...

Sunday, June 2, 2019

5hVnz Artist of the Month...

This Person deserves more than just one mention, so we're making him the Artist of the month...

One of the greatest male vocalist in over a century...

An unbelievable lyricist and visionary...

Some could speculate the struggles he went through, but unless you walked a mile in his shoes, it would only be a speculation...

Thanks to programs like Youtube keeping his image alive will help us remember who the man he was, but that's where it stops...

He had discovered something and was at the beginning of a revelation with dance and music, but was cut short of his discovery...

Remember, a day or a lifetime, both of course could be the same, but that's all one needs to feel alive...

A person like this is too much for such a small world like ours and was taken because they were needed elsewhere...

Be thankful for the time you had with him and let programs like Youtube keep his memory alive...

RIP George Michael...

George Michael - Precious Box - Live in London - August 2008...

"You may want to think again
You may want to watch your friends
You may want to change your mind
You may wish you could turn back time"

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

5hVnz Artist of the Month...

Precious Memories - Barbara Mandrell...

Absolutely the most beautiful and "Authentic" voices that have ever hit the air waves...and that's a fact!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Congratulations Tiger...

A long time waiting, for who time will tell, but we hope the Glory is all yours...

You're an inspiration for all, you overcame adversity and found your calling once again...

A true Champion...

Saturday, April 6, 2019

5hVnz Artist of the Month...

Matt Maeson - Hallucinogenics (Official Video)  ...

Pushing past the limit
Trippin' on hallucinogenics
My cigarette burnt my finger
'Cause I forgot I lit it
Rippin' with my sinners
'Cause fuck it, man, I ain't no beginner
And then I crawled back to the life I said that I wouldn't live in
'Cause I couldn't open up; I'm always shiftin'
Go find yourself a man who's strong and tall and Christian
Pushing past the limit
Trippin' on hallucinogenics
My cigarette burnt my finger
'Cause I forgot I lit it
Drunken in Seattle
Two more xans and without a paddle
I don't remember your face or your hair or your name or your smile
'Cause I just couldn't open up; I'm always shifting
Go find yourself a man who's strong and tall and Christian
Pushing past the limit
Trippin' on hallucinogenics
And then I crawled back to the life that I said I wouldn't live in
'Cause I carried on like the wayward son
Now through and through I have come undone
And now I am just but the wayward man
What with my bloodshot eyes and my shaky hands
'Cause I carried on like the wayward son
And now through and through I have come undone
And now I am just but the wayward man
What with my bloodshot eyes and my shaky hands
Pushing past the limit
Trippin' on hallucinogenics
My cigarette burnt my finger
'Cause I forgot I lit it

Great Fkn. Lyrics...

Friday, March 29, 2019

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

5hVnz Vocalist of the Month...

Johnny Gioeli & Axel Rudi Pell - Broken heart...

Johnny Gioeli is an American hard rock singer, composer and songwriter. Originally lead singer of the band Hardline, he is also currently the vocalist of Crush 40 and German guitarist Axel Rudi Pell's band...

Born: Oct 05, 1967 (age 51) · Brooklyn, NY

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Congratulations to the New England Patriots...

Final Score, Patriots 13, Rams 3...

Was a brutal Game for the Offenses, both defenses held their own throughout the game, but Brady is a Fourth Quarter Champion...

This was definitely a Team Win, but Edelman was playing like a man possessed, 10 Receptions and 141 yards was named Super Bowl MVP...

The Patriots are now tied with the Pittsburgh Steelers for the most wins in a Super Bowl (8), but the Patriots have the most appearance (9)...

Bill Belichick is not the oldest coach in the NFL to have won a Super Bowl (66)...

The question now is, are the Patriots America's Team...

Let the discussion begin...

One Thought: New England was part of the first thirteen colonies of America...

Friday, January 18, 2019

If you build Walls, they'll just dig Tunnels...

Let's clear the elephant out of the room first, using employees as leverage...

The biggest for shame blame game that's going around is that they don't understand why they would be using federal workers as leverage to push an initiative, allow us to answer...

"Los Angeles Unified School District, where the strike affects half a million students at more than 900 schools, is opting to keep its doors open this week as teachers protest outside"

People use people as leverage to force companies to pay them more all the time, hence, Trump wanting more money to build a Wall...

To be honest with you we don't understand why companies cave in to people's outrageous demands when they're are so many people out of a job...

There's an old saying, "put your hand in a bucket of water pull it out and look for the hole"...

There is a flip side to that saying, "the hand takes water with it as it leaves"...

Sure, situations like this can create ripples, but there's another saying, "Surfs UP"...

As for building a wall or having walls at all is just ridiculous to us and as we've said it before, tear down the walls...

Governments for Centuries have been telling their residents that evil exists on the other side of that wall and we're protecting you from it...

This statement sounds like a guardian/parent telling their kids that they don't want you playing with a certain individual because you think they are a bad influence...

Sure, there are bad seeds in any environment and admittingly so, there are elements in South and Central America that are an embarrassment...

They're like that really weird uncle/aunt that makes you feel uncomfortable when they're around, but hey, they're family...

Look at it this way, no one is going over to your house for dinner, because they keep coming over to ours...

It goes without mentioning, but we will, you're never invited you just show up unannounced, like an ant at a picnic...

As for the Morons that are dumping their trash in our State Parks is the reason we have a Govt. in the first place because you're a bunch of children that need a babysitter...

As for you Donald aka (President Trump) you need to stop this campaign, open the Government, start paying the babysitters and start creating a better relationship with the Family...

The Family being Central and South America...

By the Way, Marijuana has been legalized here, state govt's are allowing people to shoot up heroin in the streets so really you have nothing we don't have already...

Look Trump, people are living paycheck to paycheck and their savings will only last them a couple of months and we're pretty sure your pledge was to get people working...

There's another old saying Trump, "two wrongs don't make a right" so don't be like the teachers that strike and leave children without an education and parents on edge because they have no one to watch them while they're at work...

We said it before and we'll say it again, "if you build walls, they'll just dig tunnels" and that's a fact!

How to reset iPhone Dictionary...

With this latest update we did to reset our iTunes to match the iOS version of our phone our dictionary kinda freaked out...

How to reset: Go to Setting/General/Reset then reset keyboard

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Screentime Passcode update...

Well it looks as though a side effect has happened with the latest restore due to the passcode that was put on our phone without our knowledge...

For some reason iTunes seems to think that our phone needs to be updated, but it's current...

We have two options, update our iPhone with the iTunes with the latest update or restore phone, at this time we are currently not going to do either...

iTunes is up to date...

We may need to contact tech support to solve this issue...

Doing a fresh backup and restart didn't fix it either...



Okay, so we have been shown a way to fix the "GLITCH" in iTunes reading version wrong...

Go ahead and plug your phone into your computer via USB open iTunes and choose update...

Just let it do the update and when it comes back it will be fixed...

The one thing we were nervous about was whether or not it would screw up our Passcode, but it didn't...

All is good, Peace!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

5hVnz Stock Watch...

Dropbox Inc
NASDAQ: DBX · December 31, 7:54 PM EST
▼ 0.36 (1.73%) After Hours 20.40▼ 0.03 (0.15%)

Happy New Year...

Auld Lang Syne..."old long since"
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
 and never brought to mind?
 Should old acquaintance be forgot,
 and old lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
And surely you'll buy your pint cup!
 and surely I'll buy mine!
 And we'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
 for auld lang syne.
We two have run about the slopes,
 and picked the daisies fine;
 But we've wandered many a weary foot,
since auld lang syne.
We two have paddled in the stream,
from morning sun till dine;
 But seas between us broad have roared
since auld lang syne.
And there's a hand my trusty friend!
 And give me a hand o' thine!
 And we'll take a right good-will draught,
 for auld lang syne.
The Tenors - Auld Lang Syne...
There are many interpretations of this song as well as each persons interpretation on what the new year has to offer...
Make this song and this year yours and don't let someone else's interpretation take it away from you...