Sunday, October 27, 2019

5hVnz Quote of the Day...

"Every Passing Minute is Another Chance to Turn Things Around"

Sunday, October 20, 2019

5hVnz Song of the Month...

Blues Traveler - Maybe I'm Wrong...

Blues Traveler is an American rock band that formed in Princeton, New Jersey in 1987. The band's music spans a variety of genres, including blues rock, psychedelic rock, folk rock, soul, and Southern rock. They are known for extensive use of segues in live performances, and were considered a key part of the re-emerging jam band scene of the 1990s, spearheading the H.O.R.D.E. touring music festival.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

5hVnz Artist of the Month...


Zachary William "Bill" Dess, (born June 21, 1993), known by his stage name Two Feet, is an American singer, songwriter, and producer from New York City.

Dess played locally in jazz and blues ensembles before forming Two Feet. After his single "Go Fuck Yourself" became a viral video online, he signed with Republic Records. The single reached number 36 on the US Hot Rock Songs chart. His next single, "I Feel Like I'm Drowning", reached number one on the US Alternative Songs chart in 2018. On October 5, 2018 Two Feet released his first album A 20 Something Fuck featuring singles "I Feel Like I'm Drowning" and "Hurt People".

Two Feet - I Feel Like I'm Drowning...

5hVnz Quote of the Day...

"For those who won't move an inch will leave others going the extra mile"

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Kill Em With Kindness...

This is a term that some point in your life will be presented to you, typically by a Woman when dealing with an unruly or bully type person...

What this statement is saying, is be kind to someone that doesn't have compassion, regard, respect for anyone or anything but themselves...

sidenote: they typically don't have any respect for themselves either...

To buddy up with someone that only causes trouble for everyone around them, to befriend them and try to offer help or support in their endeavors will only end ugly for you...

In other words, becoming friends with a person that's a complete F-Tard, only to prevent them from treating you abhorrently is what this so called solution is saying...

In fact in order to accomplish the "Kill Em With Kindness" campaign, you have to become like them, and support their habits in hopes of acceptance into their dark world...

Before you know it, you'll become the enemy while trying to be their friend...

You'll lose your innocence, and will get enveloped into their wicked ways, before you know it and by then, it'll be too late...

Kill Em With Kindness is by far the DUMBEST PIECE OF ADVICE you can give a person...

Letting them think that this type of behavior will attract kindness will only keep them acting like the F-Tard they are...

The only advice we're going to give you, is that, you don't ignore them, but you never engage them, time is their enemy, not yours...and that's a fact!

Part Numbers and Quantities...

What is it about Manufactures refusing to put their damn Part # on the box...

Also, is it so hard to put the quantity on it as well...

Also, the placement of where these people put the part # is ridiculous...

There is no rule of thumb with these people, they either mask it into the SKU, hide it somewhere really really small somewhere on the back of the box...

You think so much of the consumer that you forget about the people that handle your product on a day to day...

It's frustrating to try to find a part # on the label when you are trying to do inventory and sometimes there isn't a part #...

That's true, some companies create a cryptic code that requires an excel spreadsheet to be sent to the distributor to cross reference some arbitrary code on the product to determine which-which is what...

Not only that, when they do put a part # on the item, it's never where it's supposed to be...

Spray Paint for example has the part # on the back of the label which means you have to turn around every single paint can in order to determine if you have the right part number...

This part # should be on the front of the label that faces the customer so not only can the customer see it, so can the proprietor...

Boxes should have the part # on the Front of the box as well as the side, this way depending on how you stack your boxes to "Save" space you'll always be able to see the part #...

As for the quantities MFG's also use a cryptic code to determine how many items that are in the box...

They'll include it with the Part # :-D 2-1111 for example or 6-1111, what's the point of that...

Just put the @*$%# quantity on the box and call it ^#$&@ day already...

It can't cost you anymore to just put the part # on the box in an appropriate place where "EVERYONE" can see it...

Truly unbelievable...but it happens...and that's a fact!

Commercials of Today...

We'll try to keep this short because commercials are not...

Commercials, as we foresaw, would be invading our personal lives like a paparazzi on a Celebrity...

Commercials used to be about the jingle, the jingle that gets stuck in your head called an ear worm that keeps you singing it over and over...

Not only that, it typically had the name in it to remind you of what you are singing about...

You don't hear much music in commercials today because music isn't inspirational, lacks depth, lacks creativity while copying from originality...

So they feel the comedic approach is the best way to reach people, and it does...

We just love that one commercial where that one guy is always creating mayhem for people, stealing cars, and crashing into things you know...that one guy in that one commercial...

That's just it, the only thing you remember is the comedy of it, nothing to adhere you to the point of his mayhem other than a brief tagline at the end...

Progressive insurance should be the template that people use to help promote their product...

Progressive has their name all over the commercial, sentences that the actors use have the Progressive name in it, and it's funny...

It's sad to see where that one guy from Verizon came from to pitch for Sprint, where they use desperation to promote their product...

No, do you hear me now catchy tagline, more of a pleading, begging for you to buy into their sub-par product...

To be honest, you'd be better just to get down on one knee and BEG people to buy your product, however they won't, because that scares people even more...

We understand that commercials pay for your programming, but artists also don't want to associate themselves with most of the products that air on television due to one reason or another...

Most products on TV that are advertised do more for tooth decay, cancer, side effects then they do good, so who wants to be associated to that...

Not only that, but back to the beginning of this email, commercials have taken over the airwaves...

There are more commercials online then there is the actual program itself...

It's becoming ridiculous, and desperate...and that's a fact!

5hVnz Stock Watch...

CDW Corp:
121.12 2.12 (1.72%)