When you start working out...again :-D your mind is going to play tricks on you...
Whenever you pass by a mirror you flex or suck in and say I really need to keep working out, but when it's time to work out your mind will think of all kinds of things to do instead...
It's the craziest thing because in your heart you want to be fitter, thinner, but when it's time to work out your emotions will cause a depression to come over you...
You'll start the process, but find yourself just sitting there doing nothing just staring at the TV or just staring into space breathing over and over again...
A loneliness will come over you that reminds you that you could be watching TV or you could be taking a nap just to make the lonely time pass faster...
You'll look at yourself and at the progress you've made so far with your workout and in a way it scares you to take the next step...
It's that transition period your body is going through that scares you in a way, but also upsets you because even with the results you can see you won't think it's where you should be...
So you take a day off from working out, you start eating a little more while you continue to look at yourself, but now the changes are going the other way, back to the way they were before, so you workout one day...
This makes you feel really good again and you see the results in just one workout that you saw before you stopped and this makes you feel really good...then you see them...
It's the other person that's already peaked and has the body you only dream of which gives pause to your ambition once again and the depression starts to kick in again...
The same can be said about Apple and how well they are doing right now, and here is little Fitbit just trying to make something better of themselves and were looking really good just the other day, but then Apple shows up...
Fitbit Stock drops, people begin to talk negative about you, and you begin to go back in a shell that you worked so hard to get out of...
This is when you have to tell yourself that Apple may not be what you are striving for, that body they have isn't what you want because it may be a little too much...
You also start thinking that maybe they are over compensating for something else...
You have to remember that Apple caters to a lot of markets and because of that they have to supply a lot of services to keep their investors happy, but what Apple doesn't have is Substance...
Apple is Fadware, what's trending today gone tomorrow type technology that appeases the multi-plex of markets that are out there, but Fitbit isn't Fadware...
Health and Fitness has survived the ages and ages to come, so being focused is what this world needs right now...
We have spoken about this before, this Focus aspect that our World needs so much more of today in order for us to survive...
So what if Apple gave their watch away to a bunch of employees at an Insurance company and in our opinion it shows the lack of creativity in their marketing department that they did this...
What it does show us is that it proves what we just said, Apple is striving to attract any and all markets to wear their watch...
What will people say, "Hey, is that an Apple Watch" Yes, OH...
It's the same reaction you get when you buy a really expensive car, "Hey, that's a nice Car"...
You just paid $$$ for someone to come up and say, "Hey, that's a nice Car"...
Sure you'll get an interested party once in awhile that will go spec for spec with you on yours and their knowledge, but when one person gets the better of the other, the conversation stops...
Why...lack of substance...
Fitbit, your market is the Health and Fitness world, so think creatively...
You have every right to give your watch away also, but hit your target markets, like the Health Field, or the Olympics, or maybe offer incentives at Fitness centers across America for joining up...
Get people talking about Fitbit and what it can do for your day to day work out and get the conversation going about how you can improve upon your product with people that are focused on Health and Fitness...
Remember, you can please some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time, but you'll never please all the people all the time...and that's a fact! So Focus...
What if you could track other sporting needs other than just heart rates and steps...
What if you could analyze a Swing, like a batter's swing a Golf Swing or maybe a Tennis Players serve...
What is you could analyze a pitchers throwing arm that would provide them data on the arc of their throw, the follow through and release to help improve speed, style and accuracy...
It just seems like tracking heart rates and steps is just skimming the surface of what this product can do...
Good News Good News, Apple Deletes users Apple Health data (activity, sleep and nutrition records)
No Offense Apple, but it is good news for Fitbit ;-)